That was Matthew's reaction to the crazy wild BYU vs New Mexico game the other night. I'll admit, I came away with some pretty mixed feelings: being proud of BYU fans, and also being horribly embarrassed by them.
Proud: The Marriott center was loud! We did a really good job this game cheering a lot and being noisy. Case in point: at several points, it looked like even the players on the court didn't hear the refs whistle because everyone was cheering so loudly. After the game, our ears were ringing for a while, because it was so loud. (Just as good as Allen Fieldhouse, Matthew said)
Embarrassed: BYU fans like to boo. A lot. Loudly. And at some games (although not this one) its seemed like they boo louder than they cheer. And I personally think it is pretty stupid. Its like a little kid that throws a temper tantrum because you say no more cookies. Because most of the time, we're booing just because a call doesn't go our way. Sure, sometimes the calls have been iffy, but sometimes, we watch the replay and its a legit call. I just think that booing is such a lame thing to do. Very rare instances may justify the use of the boo. But even worse than booing at this particular game was what happened at the end of the game, when New Mexico beat us by two points. People threw garbage and stuff on the floor! If there is anything that is classless, it is that. And one of my friends said something like "that's a typical reaction of fans when you get screwed like that by the refs." Completely disagree!
All in all, a great basketball game, sad loss, but even sadder reaction of the fans.
Amen Steph! It is so ridiculous how "fans" can get away with being completely rude and obnoxious. I would expect better from BYU fans... Don't they know that general authorities come to those games??? haha
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