Monday, March 22, 2010


I feel gross and kinda sick, but the worser part is when I lie down I feel grosser, and definitely can't sleep. So here I am at a quarter to 2, facebook-stalking, blog-stalking and thinking about what I could do with my life if I don't get an internship:

1. Run away to Europe (big surprise this is my #1 eh?)
2. Make a baby (awkward...?)
3. Make lots of cake and fatten myself up! Oh! Speaking of cake, I'm pretty sure I squealed when I saw these on my friend's blog today. No seriously, you have to look.

Whelp, those are my choices!

1 comment:

The Meyers said...

I choose the one where you got so distracted thinking about food (instead of your future), that you ended up on a cake tangent. But really, that probably goes to show you right there your true calling is dietetics. :)