Sunday, November 28, 2010

An obvious question?

At Smiths (I can't vouch for other stores... I shop almost exclusively at Smiths these days. Sorry Macey's), when you check out and are ready to pay, you slide your credit card, and then a screen pops up on the credit card sliding machine that says:

Is this ok?
Yes       No

And you're supposed to hit Yes to continue. But every single time it does I look at what I bought and then look at the amount and think "you know, actually, if you really are asking, $20.08 seems a little high. How about $12.83?? That seems much more reasonable."

But of course they really do want the full $20.08 for my fruits, vegetables, yogurts and meat and sugar and chocolate and two containers of ice cream.

Why are they asking if they don't even care??!!!


Heather said...

Silly huh. I was happy to say yes to $4.32 for 4 bottles of Kraft salad dressing, 11 pouches of tuna, and 5 of their tuna/chicken salads w/crackers.

Smith's has had the best sales lately. Check their day old bakery stuff, they usually have the best cinnamon bread for 58 cents

Shelley said...

Funny, Steph! Totally agree. I've wondered the same thing. (and I'm all about your shopping list...just saying)