Who is Cosmo?
Where are the operators for BYU info located?
What do the Testing Center employees do when they have a test in the testing center and someone comes and requests that test?
What really goes on in BYUSA?
What percentage of campus is underground/how many secret underground chambers and rooms and passages are there?
Excellent questions for the 100 Hour Board.
To illustrate Nathan's comment:
Underground and tunnels
Cosmo (my sister Kyra's roommate was guilty of acting as Cosmo once in a while)
BYU Info
Testing Center
but as for byusa...
no one knows.
Actually, I know all about BYUSA. If you want to come into the office and receive a tour, or if you just want to chat, feel free to call me at 801.580.2402. I look forward to talking to you.
Nathan and Leslie:
Brilliant - My hat goes off to the both of you!
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