I got on to look at my schedule and realized that I can't take my French class, because dietetics classes just can't follow "normal" scheduling procedures. My NDFS 466 class is Monday 11-12 and Wednesday 11-1. I guess I didn't realize that when I signed up for this French class which meets from 12-1 MW. Laaaamme sauce. I was so excited for this class too; it was Francophone Studies, so reading literature from French Africa. I was stoked! But my dietetics classes can't be moved, so I had to drop it.
Then went to try to add a replacement class for the French class - a GE, Technical Writing - and I think I was number 6 or 7 on the list of people who want to add the class. Basically that means that I probably won't be able to add the class.
But that's ok. I'm at 5 classes and 13 credits right now. That's a pretty light load. Just my 4 dietetics classes, and New Testament, which Matthew and I are taking together. I think it will be nice to have a little bit of a lighter semester, especially since taking a GE this semester won't help me graduate any sooner.
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