Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills

I am amazed by the lack of competent writers, even in college. I'm a grader for Nutrition 100, and currently am grading a bunch of short papers for that class. It is sometimes a rather frustrating process. As a grader, there is a specific rubric of things to look for, what I can and should take points off for, etc. So sometimes a paper won't really have grammatical errors and the actual content of the paper is fine, so I am obliged to give a pretty high score, even though the writing is absolutely atrocious. The caliber of the paper is something I would expect from a high school student. But I'm not really supposed to mark them down because "the quality of writing in this paper is greatly lacking." I'm not saying that I am the goddess of writing, or anything near to it, but based on the number of papers that I've read in the past few days exhibiting this sad characteristic, I feel like I am witnessing a crisis of epidemic proportions.


The Figgins said...

You were educated in MN which does a better job than Utah and Idaho and lots of the other states these people are from so it's not their fault that they weren't taught to write well. I saw the same thing with critical thinking ability in science at BYU-I.

Alett Osorio Rueda said...

It is truly alarming to see how atrocious some people's writing is. Consider that 40 years ago 3rd graders were translating Latin and you see just how decadent modern society really is.