Tuesday, August 9, 2011


A while back a friend recommended this book to me, so I reserved it at the public library. When I put in the hold request, my position in the queue was 182! Yup, 182. Four months later, I got to check it out and it did not disappoint in the slightest.

Matched is about a dystopian society, similar to books like The Giver or The Alliance.  It explores the idea of "can there be freedom without choice?" I really like books like this, and I like exciting, page-turning books (who doesn't?), so this was really fun to read.

But wait! There's more! Matched is part of a trilogy. So, the fun doesn't have to stop! Mixed feelings on trilogies. They're fun because the story goes on longer and the story can get more involved. However, sometimes the second and third books just don't keep up the awesomeness of the first book (Think of Hunger Games. Book Three was nowhere near as awesome as the first two books.)

Anyway, if you are looking for a fun, exciting and engaging read, Matched is your book.

Also, I just finished reading this book, also very, very good:


Erica Hansen, MS, RD said...

I'm looking for just such a book! Thanks for the recommendation.

becca said...

Looks like you're following my book list this summer. If you want another good dystopian novel, try Divergent. Loved Unbroken. We read it for a couple's book club, so Karl read it too.