We've experienced several diaper blowout explosions already, both with the diaper on and with it off, but until a couple of days ago I had never experienced projectile poo!
I'm talking about the diaper's off and all of a sudden a horizontally moving geyser-like stream is unleashed! Whoa baby!
I just can't decide what's the better tagline:
Option 1: "Whoa you got like three feet of air that time" (no but seriously. I measured.)
Option 2: "We're going for distance here, not aim"
Although, she did seem to have good aim, as she hit me straight on before I screamed and jumped...haha
Good thing she's such a cutie!
haha Wow. Thank you for sharing these details that will undoubtedly embarass her one day. haha You're awesome Steph. I want to hear this story in person because I know we'll both laugh our faces off. haha
That is the cutest picture ever! I love her little hat! and as for the projectile poop... good luck with that! I'm pretty sure Luke got us a couple times too... Now we are always prepared with that clean diaper already in place before we remove the dirty one!
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