Monday, June 22, 2009

Paradigm shift

So, I am conspicuously not in France. I was supposed to be there about 4 or 5 days ago. However, a few days before I was supposed to leave, I just had some really bad feelings about going, and prayed a lot and felt really strongly that I needed to cancel, and to stay in the US. So, kinda lame that I wasn't able to go over, but I know it was the right decision.

Now, though, I have seven weeks before I go out to Utah to get married. What am I supposed to do in those seven weeks? Answer: work at the bakery, and do balloons. I'm actually pretty lucky, both of these jobs have been things I've been able to come home and jump right back into. My schedule for working at the bakery isn't too bad: Mondays starting at 4am, Wednesdays starting at 7am, Thursdays at 8am, and Fridays at noon. And then Friday nights/Saturdays I can do balloon gigs. It works out well.

Back to the France thing. We were able to cancel my plane ticket over there, and get back all the frequent flyer miles I had used to get it. Both my parents and Matthew knew how much I was looking forward to this internship, and so they secretly collaborated together on Saturday, and Matthew completely knocked the socks off me when he asked if I would be ok going on our honeymoon to Paris. Would I ever! That'll be fabulous, hands down, no questions asked.

It's rare that people really pull off a true surprise like that on me. I have radar like a bat.

Time feels like its slowed down to a screeching halt. It needs to be August nooowwwwwwwww.


The Figgins said...

I feel you on that. My husband and I ended up with a 7 week engagement and it was the best decision we ever made (aside from getting married of course). My in-laws refinished furniture during the wait until they got married . . . .

The Meyers said...

Oh I'm so sorry about the trip. But sheesh, honeymooning in Paris? Gah! That's totally better to take your honey with you. Congrats again and again on the engagement. The wedding never comes soon enough, lol. But, I still think you can wait for August, because that means school starts. :)