Saturday, May 16, 2009

Survival of the fittest

Last night I decided to make myself a salad for dinner. Think lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes and avacado. Yes, it was tasty. This is definitely one of the great parts of being home - my mom has a much larger food budget than I do at college. So salad's such as these, and other nice food options are available. Let's face it, I just don't eat much steak as a poor college student. The downside of this, however, is that I also have 5 perpetually hungry younger brothers, 3 of which I swear are perpetually starving. So my mom goes shopping, gets all sorts and varieties and types of nice food, brings it home, and hours later it is not to be found. No seriously. The other day, my mom goes to Costco and comes home with, among other things, a 24-pack of yogurt. This is around 7 pm. The next morning, I go into the kitchen, open the fridge and notice that there are 10 yogurts left. 10! It's very distressing. Enough so that, with some of the hot item foods, such as yogurt, I have taken to hiding a few for myself, to ensure that I will get 1 or 2. Now this type of survival of the fittest doesn't apply to all the food in our house; so far, I haven't witnessed any rush on the carrots. And it is nice having my mom there to buy all sorts of food that I don't really get to buy on my budget. However, at least at BYU, I knew when I bought a loaf of bread and 2 string cheese thingers that they would all be there the next day when I came home. That's all I'm saying.


The Figgins said...

Ah, the joys of family. Being on the younger end I only had to hide food when I was young but I here my oldest sister would hide treats and forget about them so don't do that :)

Christina said...

hahah you mean in theory they'd all be there in the morning. in our apartment, you just never knew.

Je.suis.Steph said...

this is true, christina, however, even in our apartment, generally 14 dont' disappear in the space of 3 hours. generally.