Monday, June 20, 2011

A trip turned vacation

A couple of weeks ago, from the 6th to the 13th, was the first time Matthew and I had been apart since being married. It was really, really hard! I am NOT a fan!

And at least both of us went out of town, just not to the same places. Matthew was in New York City! He went on a research trip with some members of his research group to do some experiments on the synchotron at the National Laboratory at Brookhaven on Long Island.

At least, that's what they were supposed to do. They got there and were supposed to start experiments on Wednesday, but the machine was broken. It was supposed to be fixed by Thursday, then by Friday, and finally halfway through Saturday they were able to start running some data. It's too bad, because they had to come back on Monday to take finals and stuff, so instead of many days of data gathering, they got... a few hours. I felt really bad for his professor whose project this is. It's a good thing the group is going to a few other synchotrons this summer though. And at least Matthew got to be in a cool place for his Physics Department sponsored vacation.
 What a handsome guy eh?
Part of the beamline Matthew was supposed to use at the synchotron

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